Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
Clinicians who have been Certified as Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) therapists have the opportunity to become Certified PCIT Trainers. Certified PCIT trainers are authorized by Parent Child Interaction Therapy, Incorporated to provide expert training and consultation in the empirically-supported PCIT protocol that was developed by Sheila Eyberg. Certified PCIT Trainers are able to train other clinicians in PCIT, and those trained clinicians are then eligible to become Certified PCIT therapists by Parent Child Interaction Therapy, Incorporated.
PCIT Incorporated currently offers three levels of PCIT Trainer Certification:
Each level of Certification for PCIT Trainers is further described below. Please call or email us if you have additional questions about becoming a Certified PCIT Trainer.

Train the Trainer

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In order to become a Certified PCIT Agency Trainer, applicants must first become Certified PCIT Therapists. The 5 Steps to PCIT Certification are detailed here.
Individuals who are Certified PCIT Therapists can attend a Live, Virtual Certified PCIT Agency Trainer Course (via Zoom). This 8-hour course covers a wide variety of topics, including:
Procedures for training other professionals at your agency in Parent Child Interaction Therapy​
Session review of the empirically-supported PCIT Protocol
Methods to ensure PCIT treatment fidelity
Techniques to teach the Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System (DPICS) to other professionals
Strategies to increase DPICS coding reliability
Steps to evaluate DPICS coding reliability
Techniques to teach and evaluate Child-Directed Interaction (CDI) coaching skills
Techniques to teach and evaluate Parent-Directed Interaction (PDI) coaching skills
Methods for determining competency in PCIT
After completing the 8-hour course, the PCIT Agency Trainer applicants participate in one-hour, monthly consultation calls (via Zoom) with a Certified PCIT Global Trainer. ​
In order to become a Certified PCIT Agency Trainer, applicants must complete at least two co-therapy PCIT case (intake to graduation) at their agency while under consultation from a Certified PCIT Global Trainer.​
The co-therapy case must have the trainee within the agency serving as the primary/lead therapist, and the Agency Trainer applicant as the assistant therapist.
The Agency Trainer applicant must be directly present (either in person or through a HIPAA-compliant real-time virtual platform) for each PCIT treatment session (intake to graduation).
The primary advantage of a PCIT "train-the-trainer" model is that agencies are able to effectively and efficiently provide PCIT training, knowledge, and skills to a large number of employees.
A cost-effective practice - having one Certified PCIT Agency Trainer - who can then train other employees in PCIT - can lead to significant savings for your organization.​​
A tailored PCIT learning experience - internal PCIT trainers know your agency's environment and culture, along with your services, and the needs of your families.​​
Superior ongoing PCIT training and consultation - your Certified PCIT Agency Trainers are also employees that are often on-site and available to provide immediate guidance, consultation, and/or supervision.
Consistency of PCIT therapy services - experts within your business complete PCIT training and then deliver that same PCIT training to other clinicians. This means that the same PCIT information and skills will be disseminated and learned by professionals throughout your organization.
PCIT Agency Training provides a unique and compelling opportunity for professional develop for both the trainer and trainees.​​


Before applying to become a Certified PCIT Agency Trainer, an applicant must have already met all the requirements of a Certified PCIT Therapist, including completion of a minimum of two PCIT cases (from intake to graduation) under the consultation of Certified PCIT Global Trainers.
Applicants may not begin training to become a Certified PCIT Agency Trainer until all PCIT Therapist Certification criteria has been completed (and they have received their official Certified PCIT Therapist Certificate).
Certified PCIT Agency Trainers are individuals who have received such PCIT training as to be authorized by Parent Child Interaction Therapy, Inc. to teach and supervise therapists within their own program or agency, with a scope of PCIT training that is limited to their physical location or site.
Certified PCIT Agency Trainers are not permitted to conduct large-scale trainings or to train therapists not under their direct, live supervision for PCIT cases unless they are assisting a Certified PCIT Site Trainer or Certified PCIT Global Trainer.
Certified PCIT Agency Trainers may not train other Certified PCIT Agency Trainers unless they are assisting a Certified PCIT Site Trainer or Certified PCIT Global Trainer.
Certified PCIT Agency Trainers:
Remain current with the Training and Certification Requirements established by PCIT Incorporated.
​​​Use the current PCIT training materials, including the 2011 PCIT Protocol by Dr. Sheila Eyberg.
​Remain active in PCIT service delivery either by providing PCIT to families directly, or by providing supervision to PCIT Therapists within their agency or program.
​Stay current in PCIT research (e.g., attend conferences, conduct PCIT research, conduct professional presentations, write articles, or complete approved research-related continuing education).
Certified PCIT Agency Trainers are required to obtain at least 6 hours of PCIT Continuing Education credit every 2 years through educational activities sponsored by the PCIT Incorporated.
Certified PCIT Agency Trainers are certified for 2 years from the beginning date listed on their official Certified PCIT Agency Trainer Certificate.
Certification as a Certified PCIT Agency Trainer is renewable every 2 years.
To renew, Certified PCIT Agency Trainers must submit a brief application for re-certification and document successful completion of 6 hours of PCIT Continuing Education in programs of learning that have been preauthorized by PCIT Incorporated.

Bring the World to You

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Certified PCIT Site Trainers are individuals who have been authorized by Parent Child Interaction Therapy, Inc. to provide PCIT training to therapists from all over the world at an approved, designated site.
In order to become a Certified PCIT Site Trainer, applicants must first become Certified PCIT Agency Trainers.
The PCIT Site Trainer applicant must have significant experience in PCIT training as evidenced by completing all of the following requirements:
Experience as a PCIT trainer for at least ten new therapists who are eligible for Certification as a PCIT Therapist (this experience includes therapists trained together with a Certified PCIT Global Trainer).
Experience conducting at least four PCIT training workshops (two CDI workshops, two PDI workshops) with two separate Certified PCIT Global Trainers (i.e., a minimum of eight total PCIT trainings).
Co-lead two consultation call series (i.e., Identifying & Starting PCIT Cases, CDI Phase, PDI Phase) with a Certified Global Trainer for the required 12 month period.​​
The primary advantage of a PCIT Site Trainer is that the trainer can teach and supervise therapists - from around the world – at their designated training site.
Certified PCIT Site Trainers are not limited to training clinicians within a certain geographic region​​​​​.
A designated PCIT site could provide unique income opportunities from local, state, and federal funding sources.
The development of a top-quality PCIT training site provides growth opportunities for current and prospective employees.
A designated PCIT training site provides enhanced recruitment efforts for future trainees (e.g., practicum students, interns, postdoctoral fellows).
PCIT Site Training provides a unique and compelling opportunity for additional professional develop for current (and future) employees.


Before applying to become a Certified PCIT Site Trainer, an applicant must have already met all the requirements listed above:
Experience as a PCIT trainer for at least ten new therapists who are eligible for Certification as a PCIT Therapist (this experience includes therapists trained together with a Certified PCIT Global Trainer).
Experience conducting at least four PCIT training workshops (two CDI workshops, two PDI workshops) with two separate Certified PCIT Global Trainers (i.e., a minimum of eight total PCIT trainings).
Co-lead two consultation call series (i.e., Identifying & Starting PCIT Cases, CDI Phase, PDI Phase) with a Certified Global Trainer for the required 12 month period.​​
Certified PCIT Site Trainers are individuals who have received such PCIT training as to be authorized by Parent Child Interaction Therapy, Inc. to train and certify individuals - from all over the world - who have met the PCIT Certification Eligibility Requirements.
Certified PCIT Site Trainers must limit their training and consultation to an approved physical location or site.
Certified PCIT Site Trainers are not permitted to conduct large-scale trainings outside of their approved, designated site unless they are assisting a Certified PCIT Global Trainer.
Certified PCIT Site Trainers may train other therapists to become Certified Agency Trainers (at their designated site).
Certified PCIT Site Trainers are not allowed to train other therapists to become a Certified PCIT Site Trainer unless they are assisting a Certified PCIT Global Trainer.
Certified PCIT Site Trainers:
Remain current with the Training and Certification Requirements established by PCIT Incorporated.
​​​Use the current PCIT training materials, including the 2011 PCIT Protocol by Dr. Sheila Eyberg.
​Remain active in PCIT service delivery either by providing PCIT to families directly or by providing supervision to PCIT Therapists within their agency or program.
​Stay current in PCIT research (e.g., attend conferences, conduct PCIT research, conduct professional presentations, write articles, or complete approved research-related continuing education).
Certified PCIT Site Trainers are required to obtain at least 6 hours of PCIT Continuing Education credit every 2 years through educational activities sponsored by the PCIT Incorporated.
Certified PCIT Site Trainers are certified for 2 years from the beginning date listed on their official Certified PCIT Site Trainer Certificate.
Certification as a Certified PCIT Site Trainer is renewable every 2 years.
To renew, Certified PCIT Site Trainers must submit a brief application for re-certification and document successful completion of 6 hours of PCIT Continuing Education in programs of learning that have been preauthorized by PCIT Incorporated.

Train Around the World!

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Certified PCIT Global Trainers are individuals who have been authorized by Parent Child Interaction Therapy, Inc. to teach and supervise therapists - from around the world – anywhere around the globe.
In order to become a Certified PCIT Global Trainer, applicants must have significant experience in PCIT training as evidenced by completing all of the following requirements:
Experience as a PCIT trainer for at least 30 new therapists who are eligible for Certification as a PCIT Therapist (this experience includes therapists trained together with a Certified PCIT Global Trainer).
Experience conducting at least four PCIT training workshops (two CDI workshops, two PDI workshops) with at least four separate Certified PCIT Global Trainers (i.e., a minimum of 16 total PCIT trainings).
Independently lead a minimum of six consultation call series (i.e., Identifying & Starting PCIT Cases, CDI Phase, PDI Phase) with a Certified Global Trainer for the required 12 month period.​​

The primary advantage of a PCIT Global Trainer is that the trainer can provide large-scale PCIT Trainings all over the world.
Certified PCIT Global Trainers can train and certify individuals who have met the PCIT Certification Eligibility Requirements.​
Become a recognized expert in Parent Child Interaction Therapy on a world-wide stage.
The ability to create and conduct presentations, workshops, trainings, and continuing education programs that will benefit future PCIT therapists and families around the globe.